Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Boxes!

Cais and I win 'parents of the year' this Valentine's Day. After shopping for paper, maybe borrowing a box or 2 from the post office (they owe us...we spend lots of $$ shipping stuff to Japan), a lot of glue, and a lot of help from the cricut....2 hours later, we had amazing boxes!

Jack decided not to take his to school the next day, said he already make a bag. Would have been nice to know before the 2 hour project started...jerk!


Kara said...

ha ha ha I seriously can't stop laughing that Jack didn't take his to school after all that! I mean I'm sure the bag was FREAKIN awesome that he made at preschool! I love that boy!

wendy said...

I absolutely LOVE those boxes. your new family photo at the top of your blog is really really lovely.
You DO KNOW you have a beautiful family...right.

Karly said...

So it seems that I have forgotten to add the new blog to the good ol' google reader... I guess I have some catching up to do!

Look at you Miss Creativity! LOVE the boxes!!!

Kelly said...

Those are the cutest Valentine Boxes!!!! Love them! You are such a great mom!!!