Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wait...February's gone??

Basically I suck at blogging lately...I've been obsessed with my "picture a day" challenge, so I'm actually taking more pictures, just not blogging very often. My mom and dad finally had to get mad at me, and tell me to 'get on it'...I'm a good girl, and do what my parents ask.

So here is our February...

Our Super Bowl party...not a big crowd, but the BEST food ever!

I'm MAKING the kids try different they are all trying wings, and loving them. Idiot children!

Cais and I celebrated 16 years of LOVE! 

Kids were off track most of the month, so we partied it up at...Walmart!

And trafalga...

And then HOLY CRAP...middle school registration! Yikes!

A date with my sisters for Alaina's birthday!

Guitar practice...

Saw some movies...

Spent some quality time at Classic Skate...

Um yes...this is my 12 year old, who received flowers and chocolate for Valentine's day. Does it start this young? I'm scared!

Sassy Ellie...

And my handsome boy...

And now the best part of February...our 'lovers getaway'. We ventured to Las Vegas for 5 days of fun, without children. It was a perfect trip, that included lots of food, fun, and people watching. And the BEST pictures ever...our self portraits.

Our favorite Mexican food at The Palms! Delish!

We saw 'La Rev' at The Wynn...amazing!

Maybe I won big on my Wizard of Oz penny slots! Yipeeee!

Cais was so excited to see the pirate show, since we were staying at Treasure's the DUMBEST show ever.

We also saw "The Bee Gee's show"...oh my gosh I loved it. We were probably the youngest ones there, but I would go again and again. They were so good, and we sang right along with them!

And then we had to come we ate our popeye's, and hopped on a plane. It was a perfect getaway!

And the kids were in good hands while we were away...thank you Alaina, Kara, and Elaine!!

Paige now likes to buy her own 'crap'...check this awesome hat! (insert thumbs down)'s hard to let go!

Jack and Cais had a boy's date and saw Star Wars.

Ellie became obsessed with baking Cake Pops!

A random family shot...

Jack & Ellie helping with dinner...

I finally convinced Ellie that it was time for the 'uni-brow' to go. She only cried a little bit...and loves her sassy/shaped brows!

And we finished the month with Paige performing with the rest of the 6th grade in "The Suessical" was way cute, and she loved it!

Thank you February for your fun!


Kara said...

Very cute pictures~ I feel like the worst aunt ever. Paige told me about that Dr. Seuss thing and I totally forgot about it! Dork....I'll blame it on you since you didn't remind me! Very cute pictures though!

Karly said...

Hello marathon post... Love it! YOu are an awesome life documenter :)

Richelle said...

OK- wow! That was a very long and detailed post! I love that you document so much of your life...makes me want to try harder! Thanks for the inspiration, and as always, you all look fabulous in every picture! :)

Jaime And Kalen said...

I'm loving the picture a day! My favorite "Idiot children" for real, who doesn't love wings?! Great post!

Tori said...

Looks like a fun month! I love Paige's hat, so fun :(